Ion Saliu
2023-04-10 14:40:49 UTC
Axiomatics, Axiomatiques, Axiomatischen, Axiomáticos, Assiomatici, Axiomatici et al.:
There is a new useful feature for reading the Usenet posts in Google Groups. The vast majority of newsgroup members use GROUPS.GOOGLE.COM to post and read on the Internet pioneering service, Usenet.
One drawback of the Google service, very useful otherwise, is the default font. It is a proportional font (of variable-width, that is). Youngbloods, keep in mind, however, that initially Usenet was written and shown in a monospace font. It was the ubiquitous Courier, borrowed from the good ole typewriter. I know, many youngsters don’t even know what a typewriter is!
Very importantly, my software generates outcomes (e.g. lottery numbers, statistical reports, etc.) in monospace-font format. Many readers had some trouble viewing the output of my software. We used a workaround: copy-and-paste the Usenet reports to Notepad for better viewing. It hasn’t worked well for the most part.
And now a good Samaritan came up with the best solution. The posts in the good ol’ Usenet can be acceptably viewed in Google groups. A change in the cascading style in the browser shows the posts in a monospace font (e.g. Courier). I exhaled a big sigh of relief!
• “Monospace font in Google Groups”.
The operation works in two browsers. I had 100% success with Google Chrome (version 112) and Mozilla Firefox (version 111). What is Microsoft Edge waiting for?!
Following please find detailed and clear instructions.
• In Tools on the toolbar, click More tools, then Extensions. Click the 3-bar button at the top left to open the Extensions menu; at the bottom, click ‘Open Chrome Web Store’. In ‘Search the store’, type Stylus. Click on app’s name to add to Chrome.
• After installation, click on the Extensions button on Toolbar, click on Stylus, then Pin to toolbar.
• In Tools on the toolbar, click Addon and tools, Extensions (in the left panel), Find more addons, search for Stylus; in Search results, click on Stylus, then Add to Firefox.
• After installation, click on the Extensions button on Toolbar, click on Stylus, then Pin to toolbar.
How to add viewing with a monospace font (e.g. Courier) –
1.– Open a Google group in the Chrome or Firefox browser. For example, the address bar should read for this blackjack newsgroup.
2.– Click the Stylus button on the toolbar (e.g. S in a square)
3.– Check the option box ‘Write style for’
4.– The U button appears; e.g. URL
5.– Click on the URL (it should be HTML-activated)
6.– Go to the bottom section that reads ‘URLs on this domain’
7.– Copy-and-paste the following code snippet (overwrite the lines 9, 10, 11):
div[role=region] {
font-family: Consolas, Courier, monospace;
display: block;
max-width: 60em;
white-space: pre-wrap;
div[role="region"] br {
display: none;
8.– You see the code you copied was moved up to the section ‘/* ==UserStyle==’
9.– Click Save in the left panel (‘Add Style’)
10.– Close the window/tab (e.g.
11.– Reopen the window/tab; the new viewing style is in effect.
I subscribe to several Google groups. I notice that adding Stylus to one newsgroup, automatically changes the viewing to monospace in ALL my favorite groups.
May Usenet live forever!
Ion “Axiomatic Parpaluck” Saliu
Intelligently At-Large (both naturally and artificially)
• Artificial Intelligence, AI Chatbots, Ion Saliu, Newton, Einstein
There is a new useful feature for reading the Usenet posts in Google Groups. The vast majority of newsgroup members use GROUPS.GOOGLE.COM to post and read on the Internet pioneering service, Usenet.
One drawback of the Google service, very useful otherwise, is the default font. It is a proportional font (of variable-width, that is). Youngbloods, keep in mind, however, that initially Usenet was written and shown in a monospace font. It was the ubiquitous Courier, borrowed from the good ole typewriter. I know, many youngsters don’t even know what a typewriter is!
Very importantly, my software generates outcomes (e.g. lottery numbers, statistical reports, etc.) in monospace-font format. Many readers had some trouble viewing the output of my software. We used a workaround: copy-and-paste the Usenet reports to Notepad for better viewing. It hasn’t worked well for the most part.
And now a good Samaritan came up with the best solution. The posts in the good ol’ Usenet can be acceptably viewed in Google groups. A change in the cascading style in the browser shows the posts in a monospace font (e.g. Courier). I exhaled a big sigh of relief!
• “Monospace font in Google Groups”.
The operation works in two browsers. I had 100% success with Google Chrome (version 112) and Mozilla Firefox (version 111). What is Microsoft Edge waiting for?!
Following please find detailed and clear instructions.
• In Tools on the toolbar, click More tools, then Extensions. Click the 3-bar button at the top left to open the Extensions menu; at the bottom, click ‘Open Chrome Web Store’. In ‘Search the store’, type Stylus. Click on app’s name to add to Chrome.
• After installation, click on the Extensions button on Toolbar, click on Stylus, then Pin to toolbar.
• In Tools on the toolbar, click Addon and tools, Extensions (in the left panel), Find more addons, search for Stylus; in Search results, click on Stylus, then Add to Firefox.
• After installation, click on the Extensions button on Toolbar, click on Stylus, then Pin to toolbar.
How to add viewing with a monospace font (e.g. Courier) –
1.– Open a Google group in the Chrome or Firefox browser. For example, the address bar should read for this blackjack newsgroup.
2.– Click the Stylus button on the toolbar (e.g. S in a square)
3.– Check the option box ‘Write style for’
4.– The U button appears; e.g. URL
5.– Click on the URL (it should be HTML-activated)
6.– Go to the bottom section that reads ‘URLs on this domain’
7.– Copy-and-paste the following code snippet (overwrite the lines 9, 10, 11):
div[role=region] {
font-family: Consolas, Courier, monospace;
display: block;
max-width: 60em;
white-space: pre-wrap;
div[role="region"] br {
display: none;
8.– You see the code you copied was moved up to the section ‘/* ==UserStyle==’
9.– Click Save in the left panel (‘Add Style’)
10.– Close the window/tab (e.g.
11.– Reopen the window/tab; the new viewing style is in effect.
I subscribe to several Google groups. I notice that adding Stylus to one newsgroup, automatically changes the viewing to monospace in ALL my favorite groups.
May Usenet live forever!
Ion “Axiomatic Parpaluck” Saliu
Intelligently At-Large (both naturally and artificially)
• Artificial Intelligence, AI Chatbots, Ion Saliu, Newton, Einstein